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To order CD's through PayPal: 

Just click on the Paypal button for each CD

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Order CD's:

The Journey           $15


First of a trilogy: Maiden, Mother, Mentor.

The Maiden is the initiate, the seeker, on a quest for purpose, for Self, for Truth.  The music is Folk, Pop, Celtic. The theme is New Consciousness. Healing, meditative, and soothing.

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Awakening           $15

Second in the series:

The Mother is both the teacher and the learner, the creative impulse, the birther of the new. Folk, Celtic, and Pop with the influence of World Beats. Awaken!

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Back into the Garden

 In progress...will keep you posted.

Bonnie Waters and Peter McConnel -

Live at the Bean                $15


After winning a prize in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, for my song, "Husabye", the contest offered to record a live concert for me when they were in the area. The concert was scheduled for late September of 2001. As we know, the events of September 11, 2001 created a great deal of change, and the postponement of the recording was a small thing in the greater scheme of things.


In March of 2002, the contest brought their "Studio in a bus" to Vermont, and their wonderful sound engineers recorded both video and audio of a concert performed by myself and my good friend, Peter McConnel, at A State of Bean coffeehouse in Ludlow, VT. It was a wonderful evening with lots of friends in the audience, and a  fun and lively evening of Folk, Pop, Celtic, and Blues. My gratitude to the JLSC for their generous and wonderful work!...Imagine Peace....

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