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Gifts from the Sea

copyright 2001


The tide rushes in, and then goes out again,

Washing my thoughts out to sea, leaving me empty and free...


Sunlight and warm sand, blue sky and salt air,

These ancient remedies renew me,

Starfish and sea gull, driftwood and conch shell,

These are the gifts from the sea...


Please let me let go, please let me let go,

Let me know these gifts from the sea...


Flash of jade, aquamarine, Sapphire blue and tourmaline,

These are the colors of my healing,

Rustling fronds of palm trees, crashing waves and gentle breeze

These are the gifts from the sea...


Please let me let go, please let me let go,

Let me know these gifts from the sea...


The tide rushes in, and then goes out again,

Washing my thoughts out to sea, leaving me empty...and free...



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